Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas!

OOOOOHHHH! Listen to the drums! Thanks Uncle Kevin!

Now that I have 2, what do I do? I know...I'll use both!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mashed Potato Rolls

Mmmmm! A family favorite...mashed potato rolls!!!! Aiden had his first taste of mashed potato rolls at Thanksgiving and loved them. So for he was especially enthusiastic about helping Grandma knead the rolls for Christmas, just like Mommy used to do.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Card Craziness!

As you can imagine, trying to get a 14 month old to still still long enough to get a picture is a task in itself, but add a dog made to wear reindeer antlers or a Santa hat and it's DOUBLE the trouble, I mean fun! Both Aiden and Savannah were both especially patient when we were trying to take their picture together for a Christmas card, and I think we got some cute pictures!

It's the Great Pumpkin, Aiden!

Uncle Kevin took Aiden and me to a local pumpkin patch so Aiden could get up close with the pumpkins (and we could get some cute pictures). Aiden had a great time patting the big pumpkins, rolling the small ones, and even tasting the leaves (before I grabbed them away, that is). He had a great time. Maybe this will be a lasting tradition!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Must Love Dogs

Aiden and Savannah....oh what a duo! They love each other so much! They share all their toys with each other, play peek-a-boo together, and, even though I try to stop it before it happens, they also share their food (YUCK!) What cute friends!

I Can Help, Too!

Aiden loves to "help" with the laundry. He moves clothes in and out of the basket and piles from one side to the other. Now, if I could only get him to help fold instead of unfold....

Aiden is Walking!

Aiden started walking back in August just before I had to go back to school (I was so glad I didn't miss it)! He was hesitant at first, then one day he just took off. Of course he hasn't stopped since...he's only gotten faster...and more adventurous!

I'm So Excited!

He just couldn't hide his excitement! These pictures make me smile every time!

A New Car Seat!

No more infant carrier! Well, this happened months ago, but Aiden was very excited to get a new "big boy" car seat (...and so were my arms from carrying him)! He enjoys riding in it and seems to be very comfortable...he falls asleep most of the time....guess it was a good buy!

Look What I Can Do!

I can push my toy basket across the room!

Did you see me!??!!

I can get in it too!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Nobody Knows the Trouble I See, Nobody Knows the Sorrow....

Aiden does not like sleeping in his crib. We've been trying to get him used to it again by getting him to nap in his crib. He has fun playing in there, until that is, he get's sleepy. Then he looks like he's in prison and begins to wail. He just looks so pitiful in these pictures, and then he realizes he can stand up!

Mommy is SO Funny!

One afternoon I entertained Aiden with a pig puppet that I got at a class I took. While we were playing, the pig pretended to eat a duck rattle of Aiden's and spit it out because it was "yucky." Aiden thought this was hilarious! He even fell over with laughter! My friends have been telling me I'm funny, and clearly they were right! ; )

Cool baby!

Check me out in my shades.

I'm looking good!

I'm so cool!

Do I look like a rock star?

I AM a rock star!

Aiden got his first pair of sunglasses for the summer, and he LOVES wearing them. He thinks it's hilarious! He crawls around and laughs when he has them on. You can't help but smile when those sunglasses are on!

On the Move!

This slideshow documents Aiden's journey in movement...from pushing up to now pulling up! It won't be much longer until he is walking (oh, no...look out!). I've also attached the video of one of Aiden's first crawling sessions. Take note of how fast he's moving....he's only gotten faster! Go speed racer, go!

Aiden's Words

  • alright
  • ball
  • bite
  • block
  • book
  • bubble
  • bye bye
  • cat
  • cheese
  • chicken
  • Dada
  • dog
  • done
  • down (usually while pointing his finger down)
  • fish
  • good
  • hey you
  • hi
  • hot
  • Huh?
  • juice
  • La La (singing)
  • Mama
  • Nah (for Savannah)
  • nose
  • okay
  • paci
  • Papa
  • piece
  • please
  • push
  • Sha (for Aunt Shassae)
  • shake
  • shoes
  • sit
  • socks
  • teeth
  • three
  • trash
  • treat
  • Trixie
  • TV
  • two
  • uh-oh
  • up
  • woof
  • Yay!