Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I don't know when or why it started, but anytime you say "Cheese" when taking a picture of Aiden, he puts on this huge grin that shows all of his teeth. He usually grins so wide that his eyes close!

St. Patrick's Day

This was about the extent of our St. Patty's Day Celebration....taking pictures in Target because I was too cheap to buy the hat! We did wear green and went to the talent show at school, where Aiden danced the night away and wrapped the current Miss Greater Greer beauty queen around his little finger.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cat in the Hat!

Hat's off to the Cat in the Hat!

Today we went to McCalister Square to Lapsit's Cat in the Hat day. Aiden had a ball! He got his face painted, and I was very impressed that he let them do it AND that he didn't try to rub it off! He also got 3 free board books to add to his collection, including Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Corduroy. He got to play musical instruments while listening to Dr. Seuss books, watched a puppet show, listened to songs, and made (ok, tore up) a Cat in the Hat hat! We will definitely be going back to this event next year!

Snow Day!

I can't believe it snowed in March! What a surprise when we woke up and snow covered the ground! Aiden was very excited to be out in his first snow. He was a little hesitant to do much at first, but quickly learned that snow is fun! He sat in the snow, moved it around, and even tried to catch flakes on his tongue! His favorite things to do where to hear the snow beneath his feet as he ran (and fell) and for Savannah to try to play with him in the backyard. He kept calling her to come play, then giggled and tried to run away when she came. Aiden was very upset when we came inside. He is so looking forward to another snowy day!

Temper, Temper!

Aiden's temper has been showing up more often lately. One minute he'll be playing happily, laughing and smiling, then instantly begin crying, stomping his feet, etc. Hopefully he'll be able to communicate his frustrations more as he learns more words.

At the Playground

One unseasonably warm weekend I took Aiden to the park to play. He hated the swings (my favorite). But he loved playing in the sand, walking across the bridge, and walking through the tunnel. He also played catch with a little girl who was still learning to share and helping another little girl conquer her fear of crawling through the tunnel. What a helper! We look forward to the spring and more days at the park.

Ride 'Em!

Aiden loves to ride this horse he got for Christmas. It is supposed to be interactive with games on the TV, but we just recently hooked it up. Surprisingly he loves it more when it is NOT turned on!

Sleepy Baby

This is just one of the dozens of pictures I've taken of Aiden while he is sleeping. So peaceful. I'm still trying to get him to sleep in his crib all night. I will say, he is doing much better. He usually sleeps about half the night there, then somehow ends up next to me.

Still Sneaky

Hmmm...what can I get into?

Aiden's Words

  • alright
  • ball
  • bite
  • block
  • book
  • bubble
  • bye bye
  • cat
  • cheese
  • chicken
  • Dada
  • dog
  • done
  • down (usually while pointing his finger down)
  • fish
  • good
  • hey you
  • hi
  • hot
  • Huh?
  • juice
  • La La (singing)
  • Mama
  • Nah (for Savannah)
  • nose
  • okay
  • paci
  • Papa
  • piece
  • please
  • push
  • Sha (for Aunt Shassae)
  • shake
  • shoes
  • sit
  • socks
  • teeth
  • three
  • trash
  • treat
  • Trixie
  • TV
  • two
  • uh-oh
  • up
  • woof
  • Yay!